Tuesday, March 3, 2009

How can HPV affect me?

HPV and cervical cancer

Did you know that cervical cancer is caused by certain types of human papillomavirus (HPV)?

Although most HPV infections go away on their own without causing any harm, there are over 30 different types of HPV that affect the genital area, and 2 of these cause approximately 70% of cervical cancer cases. When these types of HPV infect the cells of the cervix (the opening to the uterus), it's a possibility that the cells will become cancerous.

How could cervical cancer affect your life?

If precancerous lesions (abnormal cells that could become cancer but haven't yet) are caught early, they can most often be successfully treated.
If the cancer is not caught early enough, this may mean you need to undergo surgery or radiation therapy.
Basically, the later the cancer is detected, the lower the survival rate.
In Canada, cervical cancer is the second most common cancer among women between 20 and 44 years old.
Find out ways to protect yourself against cervical cancer:
Ask your doctor about having regular Pap tests and checkups to help detect any problems early.
Be sure to practice safer sex.
Talk to your doctor about vaccination.

HPV and abnormal cervical cells (cervical dysplasia)

Female reproductive system

Although most HPV infections go away on their own without causing any harm, there are some types of HPV that can affect the genital area and lead to abnormal cervical cells, or cervical dysplasia. Cervical dysplasia are cells that have changed in appearance. They may be called precancerous because they can develop into cervical cancer. These abnormal cells don't usually cause symptoms, and the best way for you to find out if they're present is by having regular Pap tests.

Regular Pap tests can find these abnormal cells before they turn into cervical cancer, so it's very important to have Pap tests on a regular basis. Ask your doctor how often you should be having a Pap test.

If your doctor says the results of your Pap test are abnormal, remember that this doesn't necessarily mean you have cancer. Stay calm! Your doctor may want to remove the cells and you may be asked to go for more frequent Pap tests for a while until you get the "all clear." Some physicians may choose to take a "wait and see" approach along with more frequent Pap tests for mild cases of cervical dysplasia as these cases may go away on their own. Whichever approach you undergo, remember that you're not alone.

HPV and genital warts

Did you know that genital warts are caused by only certain types of HPV?

2 types of the HPV virus cause 90% of all cases of genital warts.

Genital warts look like flesh-coloured bumps and they can be flat or look like a typical wart. You might hear some people describing them as "cauliflower-like." Some can be so small that you can't see them, others can be larger. They usually appear on the cervix (outer end of the uterus) or vulva (the external parts of the female genital organs), but can also be in surrounding areas, including the thighs. In men, they can be on any genital area and the thighs, too. Genital warts are highly contagious: 2 out of 3 people who have sex with an infected partner will develop genital warts.

How could genital warts affect my life?

If you're intimate with a partner, it can be pretty embarrassing to have to tell them that you have genital warts.
Genital warts can cause itching, vaginal discharge, and even vaginal bleeding after sex.
Genital warts can also cause problems during pregnancy and during childbirth. In rare cases, they can also infect the baby, causing warts to form in the baby's throat.
Genital warts can be treated with prescription cream medications, electric currents, freezing, or laser surgery, but because HPV cannot be cured, the warts may come back.

HPV and other health problems

Did you know that HPV can cause vulvar cancer (cancer of the external female genital area) and cancer of the vagina?
When certain types of HPV infect the cells of the vagina and vulva, they may cause the cells to change in ways that make them more likely to turn into cancer cells.
How could vulvar or vaginal cancers affect you?
If vulvar or vaginal cancer is caught early, it can be treated with surgery and the survival rates are good.
If the cancer is not detected until later, it's more serious. Survival rates are much lower, and treatments would involve surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy.

HPV and other cancers

HPV can also cause cancer of the uterus and colon (anus) in women, and cancer of the penis, scrotum, and colon in men. It's also been found to cause some head and neck cancers.
Fortunately, there are ways to reduce the risk of getting infected with HPV. It's also possible to detect these cancers early. Pap tests and other tests can detect abnormal cervical cells. Talk to your doctor about having regular pelvic exams and checkups, and find out how often you should be having them. If you're embarrassed, just call up your doctor's office and ask. Also ask about all the things that you can do to protect yourself.