Thursday, February 12, 2009

Gardasil Vaccine Ingredients - Roach Killer, Aluminum, and Polysorbate 80

Manufactured by Merck, the proud maker of Vioxx, the Gardasil vaccine is perhaps one of the most controversial vaccines to date. The push to mandate this, which supersedes the individuals rights to choose how to care for their own health. Should the vaccine prove 10 to 15 years from now to be a sterilizing agent, we would lose and entire generation of child bearing girls, and do not think it cannot happen. Gardasil vaccine ingredients include amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate, sodium chloride, L-histidine, polysorbate 80, sodium borate, (roach killer), and water for injection.

Gardasil vaccine ingredients - Polysorbate 80: Although Polysorbate 80 is a food additive that enables solubility of flavoring oils with water, injection is quite different. Polysorbate 80 injected into prepubescent rats caused a rapid growth of reproductive organs, but growth was abnormal and the rats were sterile, unable to have children. When used intravenously with vitamins it has been known to cause anaphylactic shock. According to the Polysorbate 80 MSDS, it may be a carcinogenic, (cause cancer), as well as a mutagenic, (birth defects).

Sodium Borate, AKA Roach Killer: From the National Library of Medicine, "Sodium borate is no longer used in medical preparations", until now. The U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health declares Sodium Borate to be a dangerous poison. Two of the medical uses of the past were for disinfecting wounds, until people started dying from repeated cleaning), and cleaning nursery's, (until too many babies started dying) Side effects of Roach killer, I mean Sodium borate are vomiting, diarrhea, skin rash, blisters, collapse, coma, convulsions, drowsiness, fever, lack of desire to do anything, low blood pressure, decreased urine output, sloughing of the skin, twitching of facial muscles, arms, hands, legs, and feet.

Amorphous Aluminum Hydroxyphosphate Sulphate: Aluminum is a serious neurotoxin and has been linked to Alzheimer's, autopsies have shown Alzheimer's patients to have a build up of aluminum around dead brain tissue. People who have received their flu shots for 5 years in a row have a 10 fold increased risk of Alzheimer's. Aluminum Salts are used as an adjuvant, in other words they stimulate the body's immune system. Amazingly I cannot find an MSDS sheet for this, however aluminum phosphate, (very similar aluminum salt) is hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of eye contact (irritant), of ingestion, of inhalation. Corrosive to eyes and skin. The amount of tissue damage depends on length of contact. Eye contact can result in corneal damage or blindness. Skin contact can produce inflammation and blistering. Inhalation of dust will produce irritation to gastro-intestinal or respiratory tract, characterized by burning, sneezing and coughing. Severe over-exposure can produce lung damage, choking, unconsciousness or death. Obviously when injected the contact remains until the body can flush this out.

Gardasil was tested for 5 years, not long enough to know if 9 year old girls are going to be sterile or if they will have birth defects in their offspring. The Gardasil vaccine ingredients are among the worst list of ingredients of any vaccine I have read the ingredients of so far.

Disclaimer: This article, "Gardasil Vaccine Ingredients" is not intended to give medical advice. It is a call to educate yourself so that in making a decision where your child is concerned, you should take an active role in learning all you can from medical experts on both sides of the fence, then make an educated decision. we did not make an informed decision until one son got Leukemia and another developed Autism immediately after receiving his MMR vaccine. This has sent us on a quest to inform ourselves and others to seriously question what kind of toxic soups are being injected with the vaccines. Odds are if your child is injured by a vaccine, you have little or no recompense against the industry.