Thursday, February 5, 2009

Preventing cervical HPV infection

Using a condom can help lower your risk of genital HPV but won’t prevent it completely. The virus can be spread through contact with the skin around the genital area, including contact with the vulva and the scrotum.
Vaccines are now available to prevent infection with types of HPV that can lead to cervical cancer. The Gardasil and Cervarix cervical cancer vaccines were licensed in the UK in 2007. These vaccines will help to prevent this type of cancer in the future.
All girls aged 12 or 13 in the UK are offered the cervical cancer vaccine. It is up to them and their parents whether they have it. In Autumn 2008 a catch up programme started in England to vaccinate girls between 13 and 18. Similar schemes are being introduced in other parts of the UK.
There is more information about the HPV vaccine in CancerHelp UK.